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in Прочие услуги by (160 points)

Are you starting a wood floor installation project? Careful planning and implementation is involved to ensure flawless results. Start by preparing the subfloor, making sure it is clean, level, and dry. Treat the wood planks environmentally before installation to prevent distortion. Lay an underlayment for moisture protection and noise reduction.


Carefully measure and plan the layout, considering the orientation of the planks for aesthetic appeal. Start the installation from the center of the room, working towards the walls. Use the appropriate tools, such as a nail gun or adhesive, based on the type of wood flooring chosen. Pay attention to spacing and leave room for expansion.


As you progress, check for levelness regularly, and secure each plank securely. Finish the installation with trim and molding for a polished look. Finally, allow the floor to acclimate once more before full use. Following this step-by-step guide ensures a flawless wood floor installation that not only enhances the beauty of your space but also stands the test of time.

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